
Best time to visit Mandalay

Being the second-largest city in Myanmar, Mandalay is known as a UNESCO World Heritage Site with many historical monuments to see such as Mandalay Palace, Kuthodaw Pagoda, Pindaya Caves… If you plan to discover Mandalay, let’s follow this article to find out the best time to visit Mandalay.

Mandalay Weather At A Glance

Mandalay hardly rains throughout the year, so you are always free to visit Mandalay all time. Below is the information about Mandalay’s temperature, humidity, wind, and prediction.

Mandalay Temperature

The average temperature in Mandalay is 31°C. The hottest months are in April, May, and June with the temperature often reaching around 39.7°C in the daytime and dropping at 25.3°C at night.

Precipitation (Rain or Snow)

Mandalay has no snow. If you want to visit Mandalay in dry weather, January is the ideal time for you as it has the lowest chance of rain. By contrast, the month with the highest chance for rain is May.

Mandalay wind and humidity

Although Mandalay weather is regularly hot throughout the year, the atmosphere in Mandalay city still has a particular humidity level, ranging from 42.1% in March to 72% in October.

The wind is usually extremely calm in Mandalay. July is the windiest month, followed by June and August. In July, the average wind speed is around 2.3 knots (2.7 MPH or 4.3 KPH), and it is considered “light air.”

Monthly Weather in Mandalay

Month High/Low (°C) Rain
January 29°/ 15° 4 days
February 32°/ 16° 0 days
March 37°/ 21° 0 days
April 38°/ 24° 5 days
May 39°/ 27° 10 days
June 35°/ 25° 22 days
July 32°/ 25° 19 days
August 32°/ 24° 24 days
September 32°/ 24° 21 days
October 33°/ 23° 20 days
November 32°/ 21° 6 days
December 29°/ 16° 0 days

The seasons of Mandalay

Located in the Irrawaddy River, Mandalay has a tropical climate with an average temperature of 27°C. There are 3 main seasons in a year here: Summer, rainfall, and winter. The weather is very hot and dry in summer, so you should visit Mandalay in the winter season when the temperature drops. It is more comfortable to discover this destination.

The dry season (Winter)

From November to February is the winter season, this is also the peak season in Mandalay in terms of tourism level. In this period, the weather is cooler than the other two seasons with the temperature ranging from 15 – 30°C during the day.

The hot season (Summer)

The summer season in Mandalay is so hot with searing heat and lower rainfall. The average temperature is around 32°C. It is from March to April. So if you enjoy outdoor activities, it is the best time for you.

The rainy season (Rainfall)

The rainy season is from May to October. It is considered the best time to visit Mandalay if you like the tranquility and want to save your money because the weather is more comfortable than the other two seasons and this period is the off-season. Rainfall in this season can affect your journey such as delaying the flights, interrupting your plan, and someplace is not able to visit …<

The Busiest and Least Crowded Months

In Mandalay, the busiest season is the winter season and the busiest month is March, followed by April and May. The prices for accommodation and transportation are so high during these months. So you should purchase well in advance to save your money. Travelers are unlikely to visit Mandalay in December, so the price for service this month is quite reasonable.

Best Time To Visit Mandalay

There are many factors that one should consider when planning a trip to Mandalay. In Mandalay, the busiest season is the dry season and the busiest month is February, followed by March and April. In this period, temperatures range from 18-28 degrees Celsius, and humidity hovers around 50%. The prices for accommodation and transportation are so high during these months. So you should book the service in advance.

Packing tips: What should you bring along to Mandalay?

The following list is a compilation of what you should bring with you when you are going to Mandalay.

  • A bag
  • Sunglasses
  • Sunscreen lotion
  • Hat or cap
  • A light jacket for the evening
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Mosquito repellent
  • Insect repellent lotion for your hands and feet
  • Toiletries such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant, hairbrush, and comb.


Mandalay has undergone centuries in its establishment and development. So, it seems like a historical eyewitness that experiences all the ups and downs of the country. Featuring many historical monuments recognized by UNESCO World Heritage, this place is an ideal destination for exploring ancient culture and architecture.

Above is the information about Mandalay’s weather throughout the year that will help you better in choosing the best time to visit Mandalay.

Create your custom-made tour to Mandalay, Myanmar

Travelling to Mandalay? Chat with a local travel specialist in Mandalay, who can help organize your trip.



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