Viet Youth on Sustainable Tourism


Aiming at increasing people’s awareness in sustainable tourism and persuading travellers to share their travelling stories online, VYST, together with EVIVA Foundation and other sponsors các nhà tài trợ Golden Cruise, Gà Đệ Nhất, Á Gia and PYS are proudly presenting ONLINE PHOTO AND VIDEO CONTEST “STORIES WORTH SHARING”.

1. Participants: Everybody regardless of nationality, ethnicity, age, gender, occupation, place of residence.

2. Time:

  • Time for contestants’ submission and increasing votes: 22:00 on 12/04/2018 – 22:00 on 12/06/2018
  • Time to announce the results and winners: 20/06/2018
  • Time to award the winners: 05/08/2018 at the exhibition “Sustainable Tourism – Global yet Individual Phenomenon” (Specific time and place will be announced by VYST later)

3. Content requirements:

  • Proper theme and contest message
  • Creating positive interaction and diffusion amongst community about the responsibility of individuals while traveling.

4. Formal requirements:

  • Photos: Photos can be taken by DSLR camera or mobile phone; each image is in .jpeg or .jpg format. The photographer is ONLY ALLOWED to use specialized software to crop, adjust the brightness-darkness, contrast, image size; DO NOT ADJUST border, merge, delete or add details in the photo. Each contestants in photo section can send no more than 10 photos.
  • Video: Contestor can record video by professional recorder or mobile phones but make sure that the video is in good quality, and has a clear sound and image. A video is no longer than 1 minute 30 seconds, videos exceeding this duration will be eliminated. Videos can be edited and post-processed with effects, artifacts with the intention to convey the message the contestant wants to convey. Each contestants in video section can send no more than 01 video.
    *** Each contestant can send up to 10 photos and/or 01 video

5. How to compete and vote:

– How to submit your photos and/or your video:

– How to vote:

  • After receiving the photos and/or the video of an applicants, we will post their photos and/or the video to the facebook page of VYST within 24 hours after receiving the submitted photos and/or the video.
  • The contestants invite friends and relatives to like facebook page “VYST” and voted for his/her photos and/or the video by:
    ???? Like/ react
    ???? Share the posts (the caption MUST include the hashtags #vyst #vystphotocontest for photos and #vyst #vystvideocontest for video) the picture or video.
    (The comments are not counted as votes, but we are opened for positive comments to spread the meaningful message across the Facebook community about sustainable tourism through inspirational stories and images)
    ????To ensure the fairness against all forms of fraud, hack and abusive comment, VYST put out the following provisions: All participation with hacked likes, reacts will be eliminated from the competition. The number of likes, reactions, share from the facebook are only calculated when the Facebook account liked “VYST” Facebook page and share with hashtags.

6. Award Structure:

  • 01 prize for the one with the highest “share” number, with hashtags to his/her photos and/or video post on VYST Facebook page: 01 Cabin for two people on the program two days one night of Golden Cruise worth 8,322,000 VND (Website: FB:
  • 01 prize for the one with the second highest “share” number, with hashtags to his/her photos and/or video post on VYST Facebook page: 2 vouchers for a meal at Gà Đệ Nhất restaurant, worth 500,000 VND (FB:
  • 10 prizes for 10 contestants with the following number of “shares” with the right hashtags to his/her photos and/or video post on VYST Facebook page: Each will receive a book “Nói sao cho trẻ chịu nghe, nghe sao cho trẻ chịu nói” sponsored by Eviva Foundation.
  • 01 prize for the one with the most like / react number to his/her photos and/or video post on VYST Facebook page: 02 vouchers to a buffet at A Gia restaurant worth 812,000 VND (Website:; FB:
  • 20 prizes for 20 contestants with the following number of like/react to his/her photos and/or video post on VYST Facebook page: Each will receive a 20% voucher of Gà đệ nhất restaurant ((FB:
  • 01 prize for the contestant, who has showed the most useful environmental protection activities (selected by the judges): 1 tour to Coto worth 2,180,000 VND sponsored by PYS (Website: /; FB:
  • 01 prize for the contestant, who has the funniest and the most interesting photos and/or video (selected by the judges): 1 Book series by Madcolm Gladwell worth 650,000 VND sponsored by Eviva Foundation.(Website:; FB:

7. Other regulations:

  • Participants are responsible for the copyrights of the photos and videos. The Organizer will not take any responsibility for any copyright infringement.
  • Entries must not violate fine traditions, laws, and culture of Vietnam; It is prohibited to use words or images that contain invalid information and lack of culture; Avoid political or religious reactionary content; It is forbidden to propagandize, incite violent acts, propaganda or acts of sabotage.
  • The Organizer has the right to eliminate any contestant who has been found fraudulent or violate any of those terms without notifying.
  • The organizer reserves the right to use the winner’s entries as well as images of the winners (with the source as the author’s name) on all media without notifying.
  • The organizer is not responsible for wrong address information provided by the winner to win the prize.

What are you waiting for? Let’s send us your best photos and/or video in your recent trip to win yourself some prizes!

Application form:
☎ 0163 802 1140 (Ms. Linh) & 0986 645 927 (Ms. Thảo)
???? [email protected]
???? Linkedin: Viet Youth on Sustainable Tourism (VYST)

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