Tram Chim National Park (Dong Thap)

Tram Chim National Park (Dong Thap)

Other interesting places worth exploring in your Mekong Delta trip is Tram Chim National Park with an enormous wetland area covering in a total area of more than 7500 hectic with a diversified range of animals and plants. It is located in Dong Thap Muoi, Tam Nong district, Dong Thap province. It takes around 6 hours driving from Ho Chi Minh City. Around one-fourth of total number of birds in Vietnam (equivalent with around 200 types) inhabit here. Some has listed in the Red Book of Vietnam and the world.

The best time to visit the national park is dry season between December and May. Especially, if you travel from February to May, you have the opportunity to observe and see a bird species listed in the Global Red Book is Sarus Crane. Wearing a gray suit with distinctive red head, silky long broad wings and tall feet, each landing performance of Sarus Crane looks like a wonderful natural dance on the air. It is 100% sure that you will be deeply impressive if see this performance in the red light at sunset.

The unique transportation through the park is “tac rang”- a typical small motorboat in the southern Vietnam. Sitting on boat and viewing a magnificent natural picture created by thousands lotus will make you feel as in a heaven. As located in the heart of Dong Thap Muoi, lotus of Tram Chim is deserved as the most beautiful lotus type. Lotus in this park has big and thick petals with multiple layers in white or pink colors. From a 20meter high watch tower named Vong Canh, you can see a panoramic view of a large part of the park.

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