Con Dao Museum

Con Dao Museum

About 13 km away from the airport, the Con Dao Museum is located opposite the Pier 914 “Cầu Tàu 914” with an area of about 2 hectares. In the past, this is the working place of 53 generations of Island Governor known for cruelty, where is the concentration of power on the island.

With 1.700m2, showroom is divided into 4 themes: Con Dao – the country and people; Con Dao – hell on earth; Con Dao – the revolutionary school; Con Dao Island today.

At the museum visitors will be introduced on the maquette about overview of Con Dao, then observe images and artifacts which denounce atrocities of French and American in the past. In addition, the museum also display images intercession, portraits of soldiers for political prisoners in Con Dao, the image of brave revolution soldiers and prisoners were detained in an extremely brutal prison words cannot describe. Coming here, visitors also can see some documentaries about the death penalty of many soldiers including Vietnam’s female hero – Vo Thi Sau.

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