Kim Bong Carpentry Village is located in Cam Kim Commune, Hoi An Town, Quang Nam Province. Kim Bong village is famous for its carpentry. The talented hands of Vietnamese craftsmen have created the style of Kim Bong Carpentry as the excellent combination of Cham kingdom, China and even Japan.
For many years, Kim Bong village has developed quickly and created 3 groups of artisans. The group of ancient architectural construction is craftsmen who are able to maintain the traditional wood carving ways from their ascendant; the civil wooden furniture men can restore the old houses in the city, sculpt statues, making tables and chairs for export; and the rest are shipbuilders. Walking around, visitors could see the artisans working with their skillful hands on the crafts. Kim Bong’s typical products such as furniture, religious statues and finely crafted wooden doors can be found and bought at souvenirs shops. Their costs may range from the few-dollar coasters to large religious statues of thousand dollars. The most well known shop is Mr. Huynh Ri’s, where tourists may experience the shipbuilding area where wooden fishing vessels are built using traditional techniques.