Tuol Sleng Museum and Choeung Ek: Toul Sleng museum is located in Phnom Penh and about 10 km from center of the city. Before 1975, this place was a high school but during the time between 1975 and 1979, it became the prison of the Khmer Rouge called Security Prison 21(S-21). The name Tuol Sleng means “Hill of the poisonous Trees” and it soon converts into the largest center of detention and torture in Cambodia. S-21 was the only one prison which had at least 150 execution centers in the country and over 20,000 prisoners were taken to the extermination camp at Choeung Ek to be executed.
The prisoners who died during torture were entombed in mass graves in the prison grounds. At the point when the Vietnamese army force freed Phnom Penh in ahead of schedule 1979, there were just seven detainees alive at S-21, every one of whom had utilized their abilities, for example, painting or photography, to stay alive.
Fourteen others had been tormented to death as Vietnamese powers were surrounding the city. Photos of their frightful passing are on presentation in the rooms where their decaying bodies were found. Their graves are close-by in the yard. Altogether, a visit to Tuol Sleng is a completely depressing experience, but it is still one of the most popular tourist destinations. And if you are interested in the history of Cambodia during that painful time, Choeung Ek killing field is on the same way within 10km long.
Although prisoners were killed and buried in Tuol Sleng but most victims were driven to Choeung Ek – killing field at night. The prisoners have to dig their own graves before they were clubbed to death with any available heavy instrument. Choeung Ek killing field is an obsession to anyone even in the past or present. On May ninth every year, a dedication administration is led at the stupa, in memory of the assessed 1.7 million individuals who were death in the genocide.