National Museum

National Museum, Phnom Penh

National Museum is located next to the Royal Palace in the North, National Museum is the largest one of cultural history and is the leading historical and archaeological museum in Cambodia.

The museum displays a good collection of Khmer sculptures from the pre-Angkor period in 4th century to Angkor period in 14th century. The special thing about National Museum is that it was built around a courtyard by French people in 1917 follow Khmer style and the main material to make it is red bricks. Some significant objects of Khmer people displayed in the museum are: Vishnu statue from 6th century; Shiva statue from 9th century; a giant pair of wrestling monkeys, the potteries and bronzes from pre-Angkor period and some more recent works such as a beautiful wooden royal barge. A small travel tip in Cambodia for you is that you should visit National Museum after visiting Angkor Archaeological Park in Siem Riep because it will help you to know more about Angkorian artifacts.

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